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Charity donations in the District of South Africa North

Donations of approx. R26 million have been made to Charities by the District of South Africa, North and its Lodges over the past 21 years.

Charity is one of the important facets of Freemasonry and whilst Freemasonry is not a benevolent society, it actively practices charity and our members are expected to care for those in Society who are in need and less fortunate that themselves, whether they be Freemasons or not.

Each of our 101 Lodges in the District raises money mainly from its own members for charitable purposes, in a variety of fundraising events. These charity monies are then either disbursed directly by the Lodge concerned to a Charity of their choice, or handed over to the District to be disbursed to a nominated Charity

Donations are directed to both Non-Masonic and Masonic Charities.

Masonic Charities

Charitable arrangements to help Freemasons and their families are mainly dealt with through the Transvaal Inter-Constitutional Masonic Charity (TIMC), a fund designed to give relief to aged and indigent Freemasons, their widows and families and to provide educational bursaries to children and grandchildren of Freemasons, where there is a demonstrable need.

The TIMC is supported by Lodges under the English, Scottish, Irish and Grand Lodge of South Africa Constitutions operating in the northern region of South Africa.

In 2015/2016, income from Lodge contributions under the four Constitutions amounted to R432,600 of which R192,000 or 44.40% was donated from Lodges in the District of South Africa, North, under the English Constitution.

In 2015/2016 the Fund disbursed a total of R1,148,724, consisting of:

       Total Benevolent GrantsR 1,027,480
       and Educational BursariesR 121,244

The TIMC provides assistance for:

a) Aged and Indigent Freemasons and their dependants.
In 2015/2016, recipients received a total of R 1,027,480 and during 2015/2016 the value of Individual Grants was increased from R1450 to R1540 per month. From a total of 54 recipients in 2015, 27 are from applicants under the English Constitution.

b) Educational Bursaries for Children and Grandchildren of Freemasons.
Bursaries are made available mainly for study at any tertiary educational institution in South Africa, ranging from Universities, Business Colleges to Technical Institutions. Occasional requests are received for assistance with secondary level education. Bursaries for tertiary level institutions are renewable on an annual basis and cover either 3 or 4 years of study. Whilst the applicant must have an acceptable academic record, emphasis is placed on the fact that the family must be able to demonstrate that there is a financial hardship and need.

In 2015/2016 bursaries awarded were increased to a maximum of R 31,300 per student. Currently, 5 students are being supported to a total amount of R 121,244.

Non-Masonic Charities

There is an ever increasing call for support and assistance from a number of charitable organizations that have to raise funds to continue their operations. Over the past 21 years, the District has been actively engaged in assisting charity organizations that work for those less fortunate than us, in every sphere of Society. Each year, the District of South Africa, North has made a major donation to one or two Non-Masonic organizations, based on where there has been an identifiable need and where a recognisable difference can be made. A total of some R 21 million has been distributed over the past 21 years. A list of the major donations and the recipients is given below:

Major Charity Donations over the last 17 years
Year Recipient Amount
1995 The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund 500,000
1996 The Avril Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Handicapped 350,000
The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund 250,000
1997 S A Cancer Research 250,000
1998 S A Guide Dogs for the Blind 300,000
1999 St.Vincent's School for the Deaf 300,000
2000 S A Red Cross Flood Disaster Relief Fund 100,000
Red Cross Children's Hospital 200,000
Avril Elizabeth Home for the Mentally Handicapped 100,000
2002 Childline 1,000,000
2004 Reach for a Dream 1,000,000
2005 Reach for Recovery - Breast Cancer 1,000,000
2006 CHOC - Childhood Cancer Foundation 1,000,000
2007 Headway - Gauteng - Victims of Head Injury 1,000,000
2009 Woodside Sanctuary 1,250,000
Forest Town School 200,000
Childline 1,000,000
2011 The Hamlet Foundation 1,000,000
2012 G.E.M. Homes 800,000
Masonic Haven - Pretoria 200,000
2013 Mothwa Med-Step Clinic 850,000
2014 Oliver's House 500,000
Supreme Grand Chapter -
Royal College of Surgeon's Appeal
2015 Hospice Witwatersrand 250,000
The Gatewaya Society 250,000
Woodlands Sanctuary 250,000
2016 Headway 500,000
Amazing Grace 100,000
Total 14,600,000

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In addition:

Minor donations to various Non-Masonic Charities totalling R 6 559 973 were made during the past 21 years. A full list of minor recipients is available on request.

The 2016 recipients of these minor donations are listed below. The total amount disbursed amounted to R408 505.

Recipients of Minor Non-Masonic Charity Donations during 2015/2016
Recipient Recipient
Abraam Kriel ChildcareJHB Children's Home
ActionLittle Eden
AmcareLittle Saint of Bethany
Boys & Girls TownMaaita Primary School
Child WelfareMeals on Wheels
Cluny FarmsPretoria Care for the Aged
CompassRea Epilepsy Association
CotlandsSt Josephs, Georges, Nicholas
Cripple CareSalvation Army
C Venter FundSan Michele
Dinamus SchoolShalom Centre
Elands School SOS Children's Village
Embahlenhle - shoesS P C A
God'sHavenSA Cystic Fibrosis Ass
Golden YearsSt Columbus Church
Gordon FoundationSt Giles
Gree BengsSt Johns Ambulance
Helping ATape Aids for the Blind
Hero Burns UnitTarrentaal
Hospice andTzaneen Care Group
Imergroen OAHUitkompse Huis
Impilo HomesUnited Cerebral Palsy Ass
Jacaranda HomeWheel Chair
JAFTAWomen against Rape
JHB Care FoundationWoodside Sanctuary

Total donations for Non-Masonic Charities for the past 21 years: R 21,159,973

Donations to Masonic Charities

Total donations for the TIMC for past 21 years: R 3,240,240

Donations to the TIMC for 2015/2016 : R 192,000

Total to Lodges for distribution to Charities in their area for past 21 years: R 748,392

Donations to Lodges for local distribution 2015/2016 : R 128,692

Total donations to the Samaritan Fund to date: R 824,188

Amount donated to the Samaritan Fund during 2015/2016: R 267,000

Total donations for Masonic Charities over the past 21 years: R 4,812,820

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