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Exsequi Lodge No. 8994

Consecrated 8th May 1981

Meeting at: Johannesburg - Freemasons Hall, 8 Park Lane, Parktown

Meeting Dates: 4th Mon Feb, June, Aug, Oct, Nov, 2nd Mon May Inst

Contact 082 901 3532

Please also visit the Lodge Web Site

Lodge History

The Lodge was formed to provide a masonic home for business managers, in particular members of the South African Institute of Management, While membership of that Institute was a condition of Founder membership it is no longer a pre requisite for becoming a member of the Lodge. However being a manager, in the broadest sense of the word, is, and if that sounds snobbish it is not meant to be. The philosophy is that all members should have something in common to talk to each other about.

The Lodge is a dining Lodge and while meeting at Park Lane the members dine in a private dining room at the Rand Club. Exsequi meets only six times a year as it was felt when it was formed that many of the founders were already members of existing lodges and the additional cost of belonging to another lodge, especially a dining one, would be prohibitive if it met every month. However, monthly lunches are held in order to keep the members in touch and to provide the opportunity to meet prospective candidates. Because of its semi-specialised character, the members attach particular importance to being satisfied that new entrants will be happy in the company of members of the Lodge.

The Lodge seeks to maintain good ritual standards and one thing that it cherishes judging from successive valedictory reports - is the work of its Almoner for a number of years, W Bro Ernest Hausmann PDSGW, who carries his 80 plus years lightly in the service of his brethren.

The membership of the Lodge, 35, reflects satisfactory progress in its 30 years.

Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler