Consecrated 7th October 1972
Meeting at: Johannesburg - Kensington Hall, Cnr Roberts Ave/Ivanhoe Str., Kensington
Meeting Dates: 2nd Wed Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct, Dec Inst Oct
Contact 083 263 7383
Lodge History
The International Association of Lion Clubs is a worldwide network of clubs dedicated to the service of humanity in general and to the underprivileged in particular, coupled with a sense of loyalty to their country and to their civic duties.
By its very nature the Lions' code of ethics runs parallel with and often interwines with the fundamental principles of Freemasonry. It is therefore not surprising that many Lions are found to be staunch and active masons.
So it was natural that involvement in both Freemasonry and Lionism should give rise to the notion of forming a Lodge to be comprised of member of Lion Clubs. The thinking was that such a Lodge would engage in practical activities for the benefit of the community to a larger extent than is normal in the average lodge.
The originators of First Pride Lodge were W Bro Bernard Lotzof and Bro Brian Stredder and a senior founder was W Bro Teddy Sachs, PAGReg, who had been the District Grand Registrar since 1962. Through their efforts, a total of 13 Lions who were masons became the founders of First Pride Lodge. Such was their enthusiasm that they named the lodge 'First Pride' believing that it would be the first of a number of lodges formed by 'prides' of Lions in different parts of the country.
Initially every member of the Lodge was a Lion but as the years passed the membership changed and businessmen who are not Lions are now in the majority. However, the legacy of Lionism was still apparent and it was traditional that once every year, in concert with the Lions Host Club of Johannesburg, the Lodge entertained more than 100 senior citizens to a scrumptious and convivial lunch at Freemasons'Hall in Parktown, where the Lodge holds its meetings.
W Bro Brian Stredder attained the rank of Assistant District Grand Master in 1988, and in 1991 that of Past Junior Grand Deacon. His sudden death in October 1991 was a severe blow to English Freemasonry in the Transvaal.
The Lodge displays a youthful spirit both in its workings and at the festive board, the majority of its members being young at heart as well as in years. All round progress was been very satisfactory with the membership in 1992 reaching 64. However, the membersip has dwindled some and today only stands at 22
Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler