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St Michael's Lodge No. 8643

Consecrated 10th April 1975

Meeting at: Johannesburg - Massonic Hall, Cnr Fanny Ave & Arthur Rd, Norwood

Meeting Dates: 2nd Thursday (ex July, Dec) Inst May

Contact 082 880 5582

Lodge History

St Michael's Lodge was the second to be formed in the rapidly expanding residential suburb of Bryanston, and the name and meeting place reflect the wish of the founders to maintain a close association with St. Michael's Church. The Consecrating Chaplain, W Bro the Revd Canon Richardson, stressed this in his oration:

"The committed Christian finds himself in increasingly familiar surroundings as he makes his progress in the Craft. I would express the hope, therefore, that both the Order and the worshipping congregations in this area may find in the foundation of St. Michael's Lodge a viable and mutually beneficial point of contact".

St. Michael's was sponsored by Germiston Lodge and owes much to three founders from that Lodge: W Bro Eric Lake, Peter Walker (the Charter Master of St. Michael's) and Jimmy Jones. The membership has built up steadily to around 45 and the Lodge has always aimed at high standards of working. Its festive boards have depended on support provided by the ladies and their participation in Lodge activities through annual ladies nights and 'mini evenings' in between, has been considerable. Charity has never been overlooked, good practical support has been given over the years to the Masonic Services Committee and recently, the ladies met the substantial cost of providing a blind person with a guide dog.

Reference: 'A Century of Brotherhood' by A A Cooper & D E G Vieler